Developed by the Jedi Master Cam Billit during the height of the Great Sith War these talismans protect the wearer and all those around them from attacks of the Dark Side.

Master Billit developed the talisman idea so as to combat the ever-increasing number of dark side Jedi and sith warriors. It seemed the tide of battle was in favor of the Sith and many young inexperienced Jedi were either falling on the field of battle or falling to dark side temptations. GAME NOTES:
By using a force point to activate the talisman the wearer of this amulet is able to project light into the area of effect, filling all those within the area with calm, peace, and serenity. All Jedi within the area of effect receive a +2D bonus to all their force skills. All darkside users with the area must make a heroic willpower roll in order to stay and fight. All those that make successful rolls are at -2D to their force skills for the duration of the projection.

Area of effect: 10 m

The Jedi is able to increase the area of effect by spending one character point for every 5m up to a maximum effect area of 50 m.
Duration: 3 rounds.

Created by Tony Garrett